
아빠엄마는ShowMeTheMoney 아들딸은 TeensMoney

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Mom and Daddy use ShowMeTheMoney.

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Son and daughter play with TeensMoney.

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Five ways to raise financially literate teens.
1. Teach Them Key Terms
2. Create a Visual Savings Plan
3. Talk About Credit
4. Show Kids That Work Reaps Rewards
5. Let Kids Fail
아이들에게 재무 독해력을 높이는 5가지 방법.
1. 주요 용어들을 가르쳐라.
2. 눈에 보이는 절약 계획을 만들어라.
3. 신용에 대해 얘기해라.
4. 뿌린대로 거둔다는 것을 보여주라.
5. 실패하게 놔둬라.

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